Payment Methods: Apple Pay and Google Pay –

You can pay for your purchases on using Apple Pay and Google Pay on supported devices. This guide will show you how.
In this guide
Purchases on can be made using Apple Pay on supported devices. Typically, this requires the Safari web browser on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. You must already have an Apple Pay card available on your device.
If Apple Pay is available in your area and set up for your device, an “Apple Pay” option will be shown under the “Pick a payment method” step in the checkout process:
Selecting it and clicking the “Apple Pay” button at the bottom of the screen will open the Apple Pay prompt to complete your purchase:
After you pay with Apple Pay, the credit or debit card you used will appear in your list of saved cards on You can use that card for additional purchases later without going through Apple Pay again.
Purchases on can be made using Google Pay when using the Google Chrome browser. Google Pay will be available if your browser supports it and if there is at least one card already present in your Google wallet.
If Google Pay is available for your device, a “Google Pay” option will be shown under the “Pick a payment method” step during the checkout process:
After you pay with Google Pay, the credit or debit card you used will appear in your list of saved cards on You can use that card for additional purchases later without going through Google Pay again.
If the “Google Pay” option does not appear, try the following steps:
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