25+ Web Developer Portfolio Examples to Fire Up Your Creativity – WordPress.com

An online portfolio is a crucial part of the personal branding of any web developer. It’s the “show, don’t tell” part of convincing potential clients to work with you or employers to hire you. Your portfolio demonstrates your skills, past work, and what you are all about.
If you are unsure how to best set up your own project inventory, you have come to the right place. Below, we review more than 25 examples of web developer portfolios, highlighting their unique features and functionality and discussing what makes each example worth emulating.
Looking at how others have approached this issue will hopefully help you find inspiration and ideas to build your own web developer portfolio. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be on one of these lists?
We are starting off with the website of Swedish front-end developer Hakim El Hattab. It’s essentially just one page that focuses on his projects. You can see them when you scroll down, and a click on any of the listed items lets you try it out in the real world.
Further to the bottom of the page, you find some frequently asked questions, which reveal their answers when clicked. The contact information is all the way in the footer.
Web developer Patrick David embraces his Italian roots by showcasing opulent Renaissance art on his portfolio website and using it as a design theme. The site has some impressive scrolling, hover, and 3D effects and a lot of humor and personality sprinkled in.
The entire portfolio is set up as a one-page website as well. Clicking on the menu items in the navigation bar scrolls to the respective sections. It’s obvious that a lot of thought went into it and that someone took great pains to execute it well.
Brittany Chiang’s portfolio website is divided into a two-column layout, one scrollable, one static. She uses great color and font combinations, and the site has small effects for interactivity and user experience.
To give potential clients and employers a good impression, the site displays a short career overview with more details available in the CV below. Pay attention to how she uses tag-like elements to show the skills she used at each position. Every entry is also clickable and gets you to the respective site or company.
If that is still not enough, there is a downloadable PDF resume for additional details and a full project archive where you can learn all about her work.
Brice Clain’s developer portfolio is also divided into two columns. It’s essentially a one-page site with the navigation elements static on the left, allowing you to jump to different sections of the scrollable right.
The cool part is, while the right initially shows off Brice’s main skills and services, when you scroll down, it goes through the entire process of working with him from idea to implementation (Brice, if you are reading this, scrolling doesn’t work well in Firefox). It also answers some commonly asked questions about pricing, next steps, etc., and shows off past projects.
Click the “work with me” button to have a contact form slide in from the right.
Web developer from the UK, Seb Kay, uses his homepage to show his past work, own projects, and articles he writes (mostly on PHP-related topics). In addition, you will find a contact form to get in touch with him.
There is not too much going on, but Seb is also steadily employed, so he’s likely not using his portfolio as a tool to find work. Yet, the design is clean and, curiously, based on the PHP framework Laravel, a first on this list.
The first thing worth pointing out about this portfolio is that it is based on WordPress. Its maker and owner, Adam Greenough, introduces himself at the top of the page, including what he does and his skill set. This is followed by a call to action to get in touch with him about work.
The site sports some small effects, such as the cards moving on hover, or the rotating 3D element at the top. You can learn more about past projects when you scroll down or through the relevant menu item. Click on any of the projects to read detailed descriptions.
The about section has some personal information (including an image of a cat, always a plus on the Internet). This makes him more relatable and is a nice touch. It’s also good that he offers several different ways to contact him on the respective page.
Before you despair after looking at this website, this in no way represents the type of portfolio every web developer should strive for. It’s just an incredible example of what is theoretically possible, and everyone should see it and be in awe.
Bruno Simon essentially built an in-browser 3D video game where you can explore his portfolio with a remote-controlled jeep. You can do mini-games, jump over obstacles, and learn about him and his skills and services. It even shows off his blog articles in the form of billboards.
Of course, the site itself already serves as proof of what he can do. The information it provides isn’t even that necessary. But, again, this is not the bar you should set for yourself when creating your own portfolio website.
Another treat. Fabian Irsa combines elegant design, great and bold typography with fun writing, and subtle effects. You should especially hover over some of the linked text. What’s even better, this portfolio is a WordPress site.
Besides the homepage, there are also subpages for the about section, some of the work Fabian has done, his photography, and contact information. All put together with some great images and a lot of humor.
Another example of a WordPress-based web developer portfolio. The first thing that stands out here is that it comes with a custom logo in the shape of a Moose, which makes it very memorable.
The top of the page is mostly made up like a CV, including the possibility to download the actual resume. The website comes with a sticky navigation menu and uses smooth scrolling when you click on any of the menu items. The portfolio items open up the actual live websites Rosie has built when you click on them.
You can find some more personal information at the bottom, such as personal milestones and hobbies (there are also some links to relevant blog posts in the footer). A contact form resides all the way at the end of the web page.
Cory Hughart is a full-stack developer and the host of a WordPress podcast. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that his portfolio website is also built with WordPress.
The homepage comes with an animated background, links to his resume and about section, his latest blog posts, and recent projects. The site has a bit of a DnD/adventure theme going on, e.g., the contact page can be found under “Summon Me” and projects under “Inventory”. This is a nice personal touch.
Here we have the portfolio of Barcelona-based Iuri de Paula, who is a front-end developer. Scroll down the homepage for some grade-A visual storytelling with lots of effects and moving characters. You even get to play some Super Mario with your mouse, and there are references to coding and programming everywhere.
When you have made it through the homepage, there is still the about page to discover. On it, you can find Iuri’s personal information, skills, job background, CV, and more. It’s really no wonder that this website has won several awards.
Netherlands-born front-end developer and web designer Mees Verbene’s website has lots of movement, hover effects, and a pretty dark color scheme. Especially its grainy, moving background is very reminiscent of film and movies and has a very ethereal feeling about it. Even the cursor has its own look and behavior.
However, overall the design language is coherent and makes you curious for more. Also, the site is running WordPress in the background.
Adham’s website could also be in our web design portfolios article because he is both a designer and developer. You can see this right away in the animated portrait of himself on the homepage. It changes according to where you place your mouse cursor from an artsy to a real-life version of himself.
Otherwise, the homepage is relatively empty; you need to click on the menu items to find out more about Adham, such as his skill set, personal information, or projects. However, everything is delivered in pleasant ways with lots of graphics and small animations, showing off his two skill sets.
Pay special attention to how page reloads are masked with an animation. Even though the website is WordPress-based, you wouldn’t think so because of this trick.
Emily Ridge is a freelance web designer and developer from Galway, Ireland. Her website uses card design, and the homepage shows off the services she and her partner offer, but there is also a dedicated service page with more details. One of the main services is building custom WordPress websites, so it’s no surprise that the portfolio is also running WordPress in the background.
The projects show up as a gallery where you can click each entry to come to a dedicated page with details about it, including a project description and services rendered. All of that is in a clean, no-frills design that puts information first.
Here’s another awe-inspiring web developer portfolio example. The entire website is done in 3D elements with a pastel color scheme and awesome typography. This results in a look that is super unique and recognizable. What’s more, the whole thing is WordPress-based.
Projects open in a lightbox on click for more details and screenshots. They also link to each of the websites mentioned so you can see them live in action. Denise is also a font designer, so there is a shop where you can buy custom fonts. Overall, the site is an absolute joy to look at and interact with.
Next up is the website and portfolio of Yuta Abe, a front-end developer from Tokyo, Japan, who also works with WordPress sometimes. This one is an impressive example of what is possible as well, with lots of 3D effects and elements that respond to scrolling and mouse movements.
Scroll down to see his work as large images and image galleries. Even just the “Get in Touch” section is wonderfully done. There isn’t much else to say than that it is impressive work.
Singapore-based WordPress developers with an affinity for cats (seriously, the cat is part of the about page). Their homepage makes it very clear what they offer, and the website structure is very straightforward and easy to use.
Graphics-wise, lots of small animations and movement make using the site more exciting. The whole thing is also designed so pages load seamlessly without the entire screen going blank. This is especially visible in the “work” section, where you can filter the portfolio, and items appear without a page reload.
We included this example to show you that a web developer portfolio doesn’t always have to be elaborate. This one by Hunter Keca is literally just one page, and you don’t even have to scroll to see its entire content. 
At the same time, all the important stuff is there: A picture, his location, job title, personal information, side projects, and contact information. Enough to get a good impression of what type of person you are dealing with and how to talk to them.
Another web developer portfolio that serves more as an example of what is possible, not necessarily what everyone should strive for. It, too, features 3D objects in the background that respond to mouse actions such as hovering over links. Overall there is lots of movement; however, the site also comes with a clean layout, especially in the section showing off past projects. 
While there are lots of colors, at the same time, the site is relatively minimalistic. A good example of this mix is the menu that appears when you click its button.
Again, the portfolio itself is living proof of the skills of the person behind it and is a convincing argument to consider hiring them.
This is one of the most stunning web developer portfolio examples in the bunch. It has a very unique color scheme in lots of gold tones and wide curves, as well as nice typography. There are also some really cool scrolling effects as you go down the homepage.
In addition, you get all the information you need: Past projects, contact information, more about the owner, etc. If you need additional info about anything, use the menu in the bottom right corner.
Bohdan Khvorostovskyi’s portfolio is next in line. Besides the picture of himself, what stands out is that he provides basic information about himself in a way that looks like a code editor. Very fitting.
Further below, you find his filterable portfolio. Depending on what you need help with (React, CSS, HTML, and more) you can look at only examples that are relevant for that. Each project also provides a link to the live site and its Github repository.
Interesting detail: A click on the navigation menu items only removes irrelevant content from the homepage; it does not lead you to a separate page.
This is the portfolio site of WordPress developer and UX/UI designer Adeela Ahmed. She is Pakistan-based and has all her personal and contact information on the homepage, so you know how to get in touch with her. Further below, you find services she offers, her resume, skill set, past projects, and contact form. Basically, everything you need if you consider working with her.
Use the navigation menu to learn more about her, download her resume, and see the portfolio items in detail. In short, the website ticks all the appropriate boxes.
Another WordPress-based portfolio, this time by Beter Bekend, a Netherlands-based web development company. The site comes with a spacious design, nice contrasting colors, and some cool scrolling effects that make it pleasant to look at. There is also no page reload when going to subpages.
Furthermore, the site has a clear navigation menu that contains only the most important pages, as well as a call to action to get in touch. For each project, there is a dedicated page where you can learn more about it and understand what kind of work went into it. Overall the portfolio is clean, professional, and well done.
I just had to include this because it is one of the most one-of-a-kind web developer portfolio examples out there. Some maniac/genius took the time to build a website that looks exactly like the Windows 95 user interface and use it as his portfolio.
It’s complete with the original icons, which, of course, you can double-click (!) to learn more about him and access his portfolio, resume, blog, or contact information. Even the Start menu works, and I challenge you to click on “Shut down” for some 90s nostalgia moment. Color me speechless.
Next up, web developer Ahmad Awais. He is a well-known name in the WordPress development community, so it’s no surprise that he used WordPress to build this site.
The top of the homepage has a summary of who he is, what he’s doing, and has done in the past. Scroll down for more detailed information, his credentials, and latest posts. You can use the navigation menu to dive deeper into Ahmad’s courses, talks, products, and other information.
Overall, the site isn’t too crazy design-wise, but it gets the job done.
Our last example is another two-column design, this time by Poland-born front-end and back-end developer Jack Tomaszewski. You navigate on the left side while relevant and scrollable information appears on the right.
The site allows you to learn what services he offers, see the timeline of his portfolio items (which are also clickable if you want to learn more about any of them), find his contact information, download his CV, see presentations he has given, and access his personal blog.
A portfolio is a central tool for web developers to present themselves and their work online to potential employers and clients. However, as we have seen above, there are many different ways to approach and display it, as many as there are developers themselves.
Still not sure how to set up your own portfolio? Here are some takeaways from the examples above:
We hope the web developer portfolio examples above have given you some inspiration to create your own.
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Nick Schäferhoff is writer, entrepreneur, and online marketer. He has been building websites and writing about digital marketing for more than a decade. Outside of work, you can most often find him at the gym, the dojo, or traveling with his wife. Get in touch with him via nickschaeferhoff.com.
More by Nick Schäferhoff
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