Why NASA Chose WordPress for Revamping Its Flagship Website – WP Tavern

Sarah Gooding
NASA has removed the beta label from the new nasa.gov website, which was launched on WordPress, replacing Drupal as the CMS. After a lengthy process, which required 18 months of active web development, data migration, and content building, NASA has emerged with modernized flagship and science websites, showcasing the innovation and discoveries that have defined the agency for more than 65 years.
The multi-million dollar project began a few years ago when a combination of the IDEA Act and Drupal 7 EOL provided an opportunity for NASA to reconsider the CMS they were using for nasa.gov. Lone Rock Point, a WordPress.com VIP Gold Agency Partner, led the project, which began with a year of UX design and an evaluation of various enterprise CMS’s that would ultimately end up supporting 456 CMS users, 68,698 migrated pages, and 3,023 new landing pages. As part of the project, NASA’s website infrastructure was migrated from an Amazon Web Services environment to WordPress.com VIP.
“In earlier discovery phases of the project, content authors were were vocal that they were interested in a CMS that allowed them to break free of templates that were perceived to be rigid,” Lone Rock Point President J.J. Toothman said. “The block based authoring approach of Gutenberg is delivering on that and user testing showed that WordPress could provide that. Now that the site is live, the different types of landing pages being created with block based approach further validates that.”
NASA evaluated both proprietary and open source solutions, and Toothman said they took a high level look at over a hundred CMS platforms. They narrowed it down to four CMS’s – two were commercial and two were open source (WordPress and Drupal). The team completed high level prototyping and user evaluation on all four of the finalists, and used this data in the CMS selection process.
Toothman outlined a few of the factors that set WordPress apart from the others:
“It’s a big win for open source,” Toothman said. “There were a number of CMS capabilities that would have been more time consuming to implement without previous work by others in the WordPress community.”
He cited the integration that the NASA WordPress site has with NASA’s image library at images.nasa.gov as one example. Content authors in the CMS can search for images in the library and include them in their content via an augmentation that was made to the WordPress media library. Human Made did some previous work with commercial digital asset management solutions that NASA was able to leverage for the images.nasa.gov integration.
The block editor’s flexibility for authoring landing pages and breaking free of a rigid templating system was one of the most important factors in NASA’s selection of WordPress as a CMS. As part of the project, Lone Rock Point created 55 custom editor blocks to help NASA website authors share discoveries and tell their stories.
“There’s over 400 content authoring/editor users in NASA’s WordPress CMS,” Toothman said. “With that many users, there’s a lot of variance in pre-existing familiarity to WordPress and Gutenberg. It was challenging. The learning curve was more significant than expected and change management was a big part of this project.
“Some took the block editor quickly, others needed more support. It wasn’t just learning the mechanics of a new CMS, but learning about the storytelling options available via the new design system and the block editor. We built a lot of custom of blocks to bring the design system to live in WordPress, while also attempting to adhere to the intention of those design system components.”
Toothman and his team found strategic ways of helping new block editor users become familiar with the authoring tools. They created hands-on training and working sessions to build pages in real time alongside users and created an online knowledge base.
“To encourage the user community as they learned the new CMS, we created weekly blogs and newsletters that featured screenshots of pages in progress,” Toothman said. “Seeing their peers’ work and out-of-the-box use of the custom blocks, users were inspired to try different things and ask more questions. Our content team held weekly office hours for managing editors to answer questions users may have, hold live demonstrations, and collect feedback to produce more user resources.
“By creating an environment that invites discussion, collaboration, and creativity, the content team was able to enforce content quality control standards on a massive scale while delivering a high-quality end-user experience.”
Toothman said he was surprised and delighted by the creative ways authors utilized certain blocks.
“Content authors figured out ways to use some of the custom Gutenberg editor blocks as design layout options and broke free of the content intention they were originally designed for,” he said.
NASA will be open sourcing some of its custom blocks and other pieces of the project to give back to the WordPress community as part of the roadmap. The completed project stands as a high-profile testament to the agency’s confidence in the block editor and the wider ecosystem of available tools. It also highlights WordPress as a reliable CMS with exemplary adaptability for enterprise-level projects with complex publishing requirements.
“For years, myself and many of us in the WordPress community have been mythbusting the perception from customer stakeholders in 2 areas: (a) WordPress isn’t enterprise. It’s just a blogging platform. (B) WordPress is not a secure CMS,” Toothman said.
“While I don’t expect NASA choosing WordPress to wipe out those pre-existing perceptions, it is further evidence to support the fact that WordPress is enterprise class, and that it can meet security benchmarks.”
This is very exciting and good news for WordPress (after a rough couple of weeks) and for the Block Editor. Also, it’s great to see an article about bespoke / one-off website development. I’m a fan of the Block Editor and for several years used it exclusively for building custom (one time use) themes.
However, it’s been a struggle and a challenge. There is so little information out there for people doing this kind of work. It feels like everything is geared for creating public multi-use themes and commercial themes. I think a lot of the push-back on the Block Editor is developers like me or from agencies who need more information on how bespoke websites can be built cost effectively for their clients.
As I did in the WordCamp US presentation about this project and in this X/Twitter thread – https://x.com/jjtoothman/status/1707866228222816286 – We did not make this happen on our own. It took an amazing team. In particular, Blink UX did an amazing job in the UX research/design phase of the project; delivered a contemporary atomic design system that fit well with WordPress; and helped the NASA web modernization take a broad look at the CMS landscape.
Likely someone coerced them into a a typical contract of selling dated tech to a government institution. Sad to see they went with a platform so far behind everything else, but not out of the question given their segment. Hopefully other organizations don’t make the same mistake with the dated experience, vulnerabilities and headaches that we are too familiar with on WordPress.
I have just created a new website using WordPress and I loved it. I couldn’t get my head around the block system, as that is all new for me, and I ended up using a page editor called Cornerstone from theme.co.
It worked great and I’m pleased with the result. I don’t understand why there is so much hate for WordPress – seems like a great system to me and so many plugins and themes available. I’m no NASA scientist either, just a humble “byggmester” from Norway – WordPress? Love it!
It works wonder for WordPress benefit, good for them, I guess, but I still stare in disbelief why would a huge institution like NASA uses WordPress instead of coding their own website. They can’t possibly not have the money.
Also they created 55 custom blocks for WordPress block editor? If you have that much time, why don’t you make your own website instead of using an old and dated CMS? You could have used Vue.. or probably Svelte with node.js as the backend.
I think it’s important consider a few points here:
Although other CMS’ could have been used, they had to pinpoint the most simple to use and understand system for both users accessing the site, as well as the massive amount of contributors using the site internally. Though I personally don’t find Gutenberg that intuitive, I can see it being simple enough for people to get their head around with a bit of training, unlike many of the more “dev” focussed options. Ask an engineer to make a tool and it’ll be the best damn tool for the job, but damned if anyone else knows how to use it but them.
I can see both sides of the vulnerabilities and headaches argument. To say “Hey look! NASA use WordPress, so it must be enterprise grade” is a bit reductive and understates the work they will have done to make it enterprise grade. Even doing a simple a test as accessing wp-admin or wp-login.php shows that they’ve put security measures in place which are definitely not vanilla WordPress. I think it’d be more accurate to say that – with a lot of work – they have adapted it to meet their standard, not that WordPress is of that standard by itself out of the box (which is how a lot of people use it and hence why it is perceived that way).
The community aspect of WordPress is also not to be underestimated, as they’d already mentioned, other options would often result in them having to go back to the CMS vendor for help or clarification if something needed changed or was broken. Although I’ve no doubt they’ll need to go back to Lone Rock Point for further adjustments and additions to the site and blocks they’ve created, if for some reason LRP wouldn’t/couldn’t do the work, they’d be able to easily hire someone else to come in and take up the work at fairly short notice and probably low cost (both important considerations), unlike other, more niche platforms.
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