2024 Marketing Trends Friday Forum – January 12 – MarketingProfs.com

TIME: 11:30am–12:15pm LENGTH: 45 minutes
Goodbye, 2023—and hello, 2024! It’s time to celebrate your successes, learn from your struggles, and apply your hard-won knowledge in the new year. Because, if you’re like most marketers, you’re under intense pressure to do more with less.
In this session, you’ll explore the big trends that will be impacting B2B marketers in 2024—and how to take advantage of them so you can indeed “do more with less.”
You’ll learn how to:
Samantha is a B2B strategist who helps bridge the gap between buyers, sellers, and marketing, and the author of Unleash Possible: A Marketing Playbook That Drives Sales. When she isn’t consulting with high-growth companies, Samantha is raising four children with her husband, David.
TIME: 12:30pm–1:00pm LENGTH: 30 minutes
Is influencer marketing right for your brand?
Yes! Influencer marketing isn’t merely an option for B2B marketing; it’s a revolution. Discover the groundbreaking trends shaping influencer marketing and the many way you can apply them to B2B.
This session isn’t just about dipping your toes; it’s about making a splash with the right influencer strategies for your brand.
Join us for:
Debbie is an invaluable guide in the influencer marketing universe. She has nine years at TopRank Marketing and a background in PR, and she has led social media and influencer initiatives for top B2B tech brands. Debbie is passionate about sharing her marketing knowledge.
TIME: 1:15pm–2:00pm LENGTH: 45 minutes
As technology continues to drive the pace of innovation in digital marketing, customers’ expectations are higher than ever. And as marketers, we need to meet and exceed these expectations.
This session explores what customers are expecting in 2024 and how your company can meet those needs by using data, personalization, and AI.
You’ll learn:
Zontee is the founder of Brooklyn-based digital marketing agency Media Volery and head of strategy at Convince & Convert. She is a graduate professor at Columbia University and the City College of New York, and she is a recipient of a PR News Platinum Award and a Forrester Groundswell Award.
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