How to speed up wordpress site – SitePoint

I have quickly deployed a simple dental clinic ( website in wordpress. But the page loading is slow. some have recommended to remove few plugins. But still the page loading is slow. Any suggestion will be helpful
make sure you are using low size image and remove the unnecessary plugins.
Ok first of all, it is not slow what so ever.
Second, cut out all the animations and stuff. There is such a thing as too much. Your service section spinning is just distracting and totally unneeded. I also would stop the little wiggles of “what customers say” and “latest news”. Again, you want to use animation sparingly and not be distracting. Fade in footer? Whaaaaa?
There is so much animation it feels like a gimmick. Less is more on the web. Sure have a few fade ins to draw attention but the whole page is twirling and spinning and fading, really uncalled for.
@johntk22 is totally right though, the images are pretty big. Look to optimize them by running them through something like
Appreciate your time explaining things. Thank you! Will try it out
[Link removed]
To speed up a WordPress site:
I agree that animations can annoy some people. Some people might be impressed. You need to decide if use of animations is beneficial. Ideally features like animations add function.
I use a desktop computer with a relatively fast Ethernet connection. The website opens quickly for me. If it is slow in a smartphone then as @johntk22 said, the size of the images is the likely cause.
Reduce the size of images file by compressing, Also reduce the size of your css and javascript files, by removing unnecessary spaces and comments, For this you can also use plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total cache, Utilize browser caching.
Everything has been said about enhancing the loadtime of your website.
But I have to agree with Martyr2, there’s waaay too many animations, it’s so unprofessional.
Hi, I don´t know if I am too late. But I can recommend looking at the page builder “breakdance”. I use it and get pretty good page speed scores :).
Best regards
I’ve looked closely at your website, built on the WordPress CMS, and have identified several key areas where you can significantly improve its loading speed and overall performance.
Here are my recommendations:
Disable or Uninstall Unused Plugins
You mentioned that WooCommerce is enabled but not actively used. Like any other comprehensive plugin, WooCommerce loads additional scripts that could slow down your website. Consider disabling or uninstalling it to reduce unnecessary load if it’s not in use.
Optimise All Images
While your theme images are reasonably optimised, other photos on your site could benefit from further optimisation. A plugin like SMUSH by WPMU DEV can significantly reduce image file sizes without compromising quality.
This is particularly important for images like:
Address Large Network Payloads
Large network payloads negatively impact Your Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
Consider lazy loading external resources like YouTube videos and compressing large images to reduce their transfer size.
Review GTMetrix Report
A detailed GTMetrix analysis can provide insights into specific files and resources that slow down your site. Pay attention to the waterfall chart within the GTMetrix report to pinpoint the elements that need the most optimisation.
This can help you prioritise the changes that will most impact your site’s performance.
A copy of the GTMetrix Report is here:
General Best Practices
Beyond these specific recommendations, ensure that you’re following general best practices for web performance, such as:
Addressing these issues should improve your website’s loading speed and overall user experience.
Optimising a website is an ongoing process; regular monitoring and adjustments are crucial to maintaining optimal performance.
I hope these recommendations help! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
As the OP has not returned in over a month, there seems little point in offering further assistance.
Thanks to all who contributed.
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