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The Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce, adopted at the Second Ministerial Conference in May 1998, called for the establishment of a Work Programme to examine all trade issues relating to global e-commerce. The Work Programme was adopted by the General Council in September 1998, leading to regular discussions on e-commerce in various WTO bodies since then.
Separate discussions are taking place among a group of WTO members under the Joint Initiative on E-commerce.
Periodic reviews of the Programme are conducted by the General Council based on reports from the WTO bodies responsible for implementing it. Ministers also regularly consider the programme at the WTO’s ministerial conferences.
Easy access to a broad collection of e-commerce relevant multimedia content.
Under the Joint Initiative on e-commerce, WTO members are conducting negotiations on trade-related aspects of electronic commerce. Australia, Japan and Singapore are the co-convenors of the initiative.
WTO eLibrary on E-Commerce
The WTO eLibrary on electronic commerce provides access to WTO resources related to e-commerce, multimedia content, a jargon buster, WTO data and infographics on e-commerce, and other useful resources.


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