Marketplace Conference 2023 – Ecommerce News

This event has already passed. View upcoming events. The Marketplace Conference 2023 will be held in Bunnik on April 19. It is the only event in the Benelux with a full focus on marketplaces. It is suitable for sellers on marketplaces who want to get tips and insights to get…

10 WordPress Influencers to Follow in 2024 – NewsIf you’re at all interested in or curious about WordPress, these are folks to pay attention to.Jeremy AnderbergIn this “Build and Beyond” video, Jamie Marsland highlights 10 WordPressers to keep an eye on in 2024. A couple of weeks ago, we shared a list of 15 WordPress developers you should…

What is Marketo? | Definition from TechTarget – TechTarget

Marketo is a comprehensive marketing software-as-a-service platform designed to automate and streamline marketing tasks across multiple digital channels. In 2018, Adobe Inc., based in San Jose, Calif., acquired Marketo Inc., based in San Mateo, Calif. The addition of Marketo to the Adobe Experience Cloud gives business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C)…

Best WordPress Drag and Drop Page Builders – Small Business Trends

WordPress is a popular blogging and Content Management System (CMS) that has become an invaluable asset to businesses of all sizes. This free platform offers a do-it-yourself opportunity to spruce up the look and feel of a website without knowing any coding or having to hire developers. This helps businesses…