Insight To Guide Your 2024 Marketing Planning – Forrester

Now is the time for B2B marketing leaders to take bold action to drive business growth and revenue.
That’s the headline of Forrester’s 2024 annual planning research. Our report for B2B marketing leaders reveals opportunities to pull ahead with targeted investments in the initiatives, skills, and technologies that will set them up for success.
Download our Planning Guide 2024: B2B Marketing Executives report for research-driven insight on the areas we’ve identified for investing, divesting, and experimenting with your 2024 budget.
Our research reveals that generating growth is a top priority for B2B firms and that aligning your marketing budget with business priorities is crucial to demonstrating marketing’s value — and driving B2B revenue.
Get your copy of this 2024 annual planning research to challenge your budget assumptions and drive growth in unpredictable times. With it, you can:
What’s Inside?

Explore these additional planning resources for further guidance on where B2B marketers should invest, pull back, and experiment in 2024:


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